Post High School
Reading Level: 3.7
Chapter 1
The year is 1916, and Anton lives in the heart of Budapest, Hungary. Like most of the people in Budapest, he loves music. His favorite is the sound of sweet violins. Oh, that sweet, sweet violin music!
But there are three more things Anton loves. He loves his pet parrot, Fritz. He loves making violins. He loves the delicious desserts from the pastry shop next door. Oh, those sweet, sweet cakes, pies, and strudels!
Chapter 2
On Monday morning, Anton opens his workshop door.
“Good morning, Fritz,” he says to his pet parrot. “I found a new dessert at the pastry shop. But first we have work to do.”
“Work to do, work to do!” the parrot chimes.
”Today we will start a new violin," says Anton. "This new violin will make the most beautiful music."
Anton goes to the wood closet. He finds a piece of straw-colored wood. He holds it up to his nose and smells the crisp odor. He taps it with a small hammer. “Ah,“ he says. “This piece is perfect!”
Anton traces the long curves of a new violin onto the wood. As he saws, the smell of wood tickles his nose. It makes him think about the dessert in the white box.
At the end of the day, he brushes the wood scraps from the sharp teeth of his saw. He takes his white pastry box down from the shelf.
He eats his dinner, then he opens the bright white box. He lifts out a piece of apple strudel. Tiny crystals of sugar sparkle on top. The strudel dough feels like crisp golden paper.
He takes a bite, then he says, “This strudel is so good, Fritz! It is delicious!" He gives Fritz a tiny bit of apple. "It is heavenly!"
“Heavenly, heavenly!” Fritz repeats.
Chapter 3
Tuesday morning, after breakfast, Anton walks to the pastry shop. He buys his dessert and walks back to his workshop. He takes a chisel and carves into the thick piece of wood. The flat piece of wood begins to arch. Soon the arch is perfect. He sweeps up the wood scraps and eats his dinner.
Then he opens the white bakery box. He lifts out a chocolate eclair. A cloud of whipped cream oozes from each end of the eclair. The chocolate glaze sticks to his fingers.
“Hmmm,” he says as he licks his fingers. “Fritz, this is scrumptious!"
“Scrumptious, scrumptious!” Fritz squeals.